Yes, Check-Six offers a vast array of autographed items for the space collector!
Apollo 13 Autographed Gene Kranz and Jim Lovell Photo
To celebrate the Kennedy Space Center's debut of "Apollo 13: The IMAX Experience" and to raise funds for the Astronaut Scholarship Foundation (ASF), astronaut James Lovell and flight director Eugene Kranz autographed a limited edition 10" x 8" photograph showing the two celebrating the successful return of Apollo 13 (Lovell is on the screen at the front of Mission Control). The majority of the proceeds from the sale of these photographs will benefit the Astronaut Scholarship Foundation, providing scholarships for college students who exhibit motivation, imagination, and exceptional performance in the science or engineering field of their major.
Autographed Gene Cernan Framed Photo
This full color photograph of Gene Cernan in the Moon's Taurus-Littrow Valley has been created from the NASA archive negative and is personally hand-signed by Gene Cernan, commander of the Apollo 17 mission and the Lunar Landing Module Challenger. Astronaut Gene Cernan became the eleventh human to set foot on the moon and the last man to leave the lunar surface. 20x24 inches framed. Comes with a certificate of authenticity and is matted and framed with a historical plaque.